Saturday, 21 January 2017

On Recent Controversies Around "Class Consciousness"

To identify stirrings of opposition to the system as a positive move or something to be developed is at least compatible with communism.

To identify these stirrings as the final point, and not something to be developed, is at best liberalism. It stops at this partial criticism and does not think that this could go further - a modus operandi more traditionally associated with conventional liberalism.


  1. This is about the RM-Reddit thing, is it?

    1. Yep. We sort of agree with RM on this. That part of their text seems problematic for other reasons, but the objection as formulated by some on Reddit is probably worse. Our objection to the passage is simply that it disregards the effect of circumstances on the struggle described, in favour of sloganeering. To revive an old pun which Savage was fond of, RedMarx should perhaps not be continually interacting with Reddit socialists, who have generally not of course read Marx (and, if Lenin is to be believed, Marx's blood-brother Hegel). It gives an impression of generosity that could give the sense that Marxists are really all just Randian strawmen. A couple of the people reading this are from RM (or at least used to post there), so we figured they would appreciate this post.

      Nonetheless, it seems apt that just as John predicted an Anti-Christ following upon the Satanic dragon, RM should accompany Das Kapital with an 'Anti-Capital.'

  2. The aversion to 'class consciousness' for the reason that Reddit gave rubbed me the wronng way. That was partially related to what you said, but you've articulated it better.
