Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Further information about the reptilian problem

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you further feed-back about the reptilian problem currently facing humanity:

"These reptilians arre becoming a serious issue."
"I used to believe in God, then my family were slaughtered by reptilians."
"Those reptilians are a devious lot..."
"Reptilians? I heard someone mention them being evil. Terrible, terrible."
"How anti-Marxist of them. I'm fine with that, though. What's worse is their devious manipulation of world history."
"What would you suggest to solvve the reptilian epidemic?"

Hope this helps to calm your panicked souls.


  1. Aw, Ill be sure to comment on reptiles next time..

    1. Good comments yall!

    2. Yeah, I'm proud of them.

      Unfortunate you weren't involved. That makes it somewhat less aggressive and more held-in, like the Cold War. I'll try to inform you of any opportunities to get your comments posted.

      Actually, give your opinion on this question: What is your view on reptilian influence in cultural media, from the Legend of Zelda series to Breaking Benjamin's 'Next To Nothing,' 'Close to Heaven,' and 'So Cold'?

    3. LOL at Zelda being reptilians!

      I think that reptilian pop culture influence has led to lots of violent crime becuse of bad action games. It is also a problem because it infiltrates the rest of culture + disturbs it..? These obvious reptilians must be attacked. Songs like 'So Cold' enforse their bleak perspective on people.

    4. Video game violence? Reptilians aree much worse

      Can the rest of us comment?

  2. Some deep comments on this crissis

    1. I've aalways wanted a blog that covers this issue
