Sunday, 16 September 2018

Everything's bigger in Texas

Trump doesn't support illegal immigration. It's not grandiose enough, you see.

Instead, he supports Israel, a whole state that 'immigrated' into the middle of the Middle Eastern states. Indeed, he goes to great lengths to do so.

We can see that Trump's politics are often akin to a politics of 'reality TV.' There isn't much passion so much as a pretense.

Ocasio-Cortez isn't close to a 'socialist,' as even figures within the Democratic Party have noted. Ocasio-Cortez is merely a moderate 'reformist,' if that. The overall bourgeois agenda remains the same. Yet Trump is apparently a 'fascist,' and Ocasio-Cortez more willingly a 'socialist.' The mild bourgeois political crowd are not content to leave radicalism alone, they wish for their petty dramas to seem larger-than-life by pretending that radicalism is involved. Instead of actually letting people engage with 'fascism' or 'communism,' the bourgeois electoral politics have decided that it would be safer to just re-enact a diluted version of this drama on the political arena, to assure people that there is no way out of their bourgeois 'centrist' Matrix.

In the world of bourgeois politics, they proudly hold to the old biblical saying, "All is vanity."


  1. That's funny, I hadn't noticed that... Trump's supporters do come off as slightly specious now

    1. It is a good point. Also, there is too much drama around modern politics...

    2. Speaking of political drama, here is a game:

      1. One player is a socialist, the other is fascist.
      2. The socialist uses magic. Their power is called 'Support for Capitalism.' It deals 30 damage. The fascist uses physical weapons. They have two weapons. The first is called 'Fervent Enthusiasm about the Israeli Government.' It deals 20 damage. The second is called 'Reality TV.' It deals 10 damage. Every third turn, it will cast a special power instead of attacking. This power creates a 'matrix' of illusion which circles the battlefield, causing the opponent to become disoriented. This effect does 20 damage per turn, for five turns. Both sides can also attack normally, alongside that effect. The effect will still do damage, even if the fascist uses a different weapon.
      3. Each side has 100 HP. If a side is down to 80 HP, then on the second turn or any further turn they will receive a further magic power or weapon. For the socialist, this is a magic power called 'Rage Against the Machine.' It does 50 damage, due to noise pollution. The fascist gets a weapon called the 'Charlottesville Zard.' It does 40 damage for one turn, then it does 50 damage on following turns if it hits.
      4. If the socialist is down to 50 HP, the fascist is afflicted with the status 'Miss Hitler.' The fascist will not do damage on the next turn. If the fascist is down to 40 HP, the socialist is afflicted with the status 'Punk rock.' The socialist will not do damage on the next turn. Otherwise, all attacks will hit.
      5. If the fascist wins, they have a choice. Either they remain on the 'alt-lite,' and are killed in white genocide. This will mean that the game was a draw. Alternatively, they convert to a conservative follower of Ted Cruz. They can then win. If the socialist wins, then they also have a choice. If they attain knowledge of socialism, then they die and the fascist was merely a product of their imagination. This means that the game was a draw. If they become a liberal and spend time watching old Obama speeches, then they win the game.
      6. The game ends after that decision. Good luck, players!

    3. wtf that's actually a fun idea for a game

    4. That game captures the situation exactly. I found the socialist's power really funny.

  2. "In the world of bourgeois politics, they proudly hold to the old biblical saying, "All is vanity.""

    Raelly liked that! Good post...
