Monday, 1 October 2018

'Trust Our Corporation to Inform You'

A particularly egregious image. Reddit decide that it is up to them to define the subversive-sounding 'communism' and explain it to concerned users:

You suppose that this represents their determination that, "At reddit we care deeply about not imposing ours or anyone elses’ opinions on how people use the reddit platform."

They also re-directed users of some sub-reddits to an image of 'positive masculinity' written by someone accused of sexual violations. This seems to display that modern liberals cannot turn a stone (or a 'new leaf') without finding something offensive under it. Liberals panic when they are offended, and they find ways to find just about anything offensive. Liberals find themselves oppressed by something like the dystopian society of the 'Hunger Games,' caught in an oppressive and offensive labyrinth of their own making.

(Social media sites like Reddit can be troubling, because they centralise social media and the forum, in a way that leads to a corporate pseudo-monopoly being granted the keys to public discourse.)

However, there has been a recent trend of politically-motivated censorship on social media websites. This has been applauded by modern liberals, which in this case reveals the emptiness of their ideology.

The recent move by corporations and their allied corporate-backed pseudo-liberal websites to bar disliked politics should be seen as disturbing. They have no right whatsoever to dictate people's politics or to make statements which even tangentially concern politics, and they are the fundamental problem with the world system and with politics.

We should not be encouraging (as some 'leftists' do) this setting up of monopolising corporate ideology as the standard of political acceptability in various channels of communication.

The TOTALCOMMUNIST übermensch eschews love and tolerance.

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