If God is good, he cannot partake of or directly motivate evil.
If Satan is an independent being, then what is present is actually polytheism. 'God' comes to merely mean 'good,' rather than a deity.
If Satan is not independent, but a part of God, then evil is also a part of God. Hence, God is also an ultimate evil. This applies whenever Satan, or any such creature, is considered the paragon or representative of evil.
If this applies, you generally have not theism proper but pantheism. At the least you have 'deism' - a 'God' who is cut off from the rest of the universe, and merely one being within it. They could be more accurately referred to as an 'alien' or strange being.
Problems similar to this arise due to evil, regardless of whether a paragon is posited.
To refer to an 'alien' being as a 'God' by default is 'superstition.' Or to hypostatise hyperbole upon a given being. This is conventionally done, and generally capitalistic Christianity could not escape this fate. We must 'spread the hyperbole' around, and if hyperbole occurs in capital it must also taint our take on a God who collects it. The Christian God is a suicidal God precisely because it is contradicted by the same hyperbole attributed to it, and a society which is contradictory in itself, and hence it is forced to tear itself apart. As an object of religious devotion, or the 'Christian' God, it undermines itself. This must then only be rubber-stamped.
Evil is necessarily noted if what is good is to be determinate. To do something in a particular way is to likewise avoid other things. Further, if God separates himself away from finitude, and is not wholly accountable for it, then finitude is limitation for God - just as evil wards off a benevolent God. Hence, there is truth in the contention of Gnostics and such that the transition from God to finitude hence implies evil. However, it also implies that this God is a 'demiurge' or posits themselves as a false God, one who is not complete.
In the Trinity, a polytheism enters into an often already polytheistic religion. It hence throws up a multitude of at least four deities, with uncertain relations. Hence, in most cases this religion must remain a venomous blur. In a sense, the truth is this: to separate off God from other things is to turn God into a 'normal' being, or in this case a human. However, they are not then 'God' in this sense. A task of some sort, with a theological basis, is posited but not completed. It must be carried through.
What we are contending here is not reducible merely to a 'problem of evil,' although it does involve this category. In a way, problems of 'pain' or rather non-fulfillment lead to a similar result in this context. They nonetheless set the world in dichotomy. We are dealing with this problem in terms of an old conflict involving the nature of Satanic or evil beings, which was also disputed by the Cathars, as well as the nature of a God postulated as a result. This is more theological in orientation.
In order to arrive at a 'divine' person, we cannot hence start from a pseudo-divine being who faces externally things like evil or the finite. Hence, we cannot start from an abstract being. We must rather start from a being who is so divided, and is set apart. Hence, Cathars were often more religiously demanding, because they engaged with this division or noticed it, and hence could accept the demands that religion made upon them as they were. The tendency towards 'immanent eschatology' is also similar at times. There is always something disconcerting about the mention, in a religion which is in any case just loud noises, that the Cathars like Christ were killed. Further, by those proclaiming that they were heretics. Perhaps it will turn out that 'Christ' is summarised and completed in the Cathars, too Christian to belong in Christianity. After them, we may look further.
In general, then, a Satanic being is a problematic postulate, however it only manifests general flaws with such religions. In this, Satan becomes a serious source of concern about these religions, although these concerns are always there. This much we must credit the devil with.
However, if we are to deal with God as hence rendered a separated being, or a human, we must hence also deal with Satan as a separated being. Formulated in this manner, Satan is figured formally as a tempter who directs people to 'evil' via divine statements. However, in using divine diction, how does Satan twist it? They hence become akin to a filter which states 'divine' things, however is then as a result impelled to go to the opposite extreme. This is how Satan is identified, and often also the biblical 'snake.' They are hence a process of vacillation which is strictly but naturally followed. While this may be located in the inversion of 'faith' and hence in the human heart, it is a process natural to and characteristic of this 'Satan.' As a result, this 'Satan' would be at first a 'Christian,' however this only sets up for vacillations. However, to get away from the divine if mentioning it, the Satanic being would have to seek refuge in any available non-divine areas, including cultural outlets. Hence, spider-like it would spread out. However, eventually it would be forced to 'die,' because a spider must have its feet firmly set or it will tie itself up in knots. The more 'legs' it has, the less freely it can vacillate. One must build a 'church' on firm foundations, or it cannot keep going onwards - if it needs to, yet it cannot, then it will tear itself apart or undermine itself. Especially if, like 'Satan,' it is to be substantive. However, in the process a trail of blurring would be left behind by the vacillations. As this vacillation is essentially a display rather than something substantive, they would be a pop cultural or artistic figure. And, indeed, a 'Christian.' The more common rendering of Satan, as simply an 'evil' being who hates God, and is hence divided off from them, is slightly different. They may be related to the end of the pagan religions, and the ensuing 'massacre' of 'gods.' They face the 'divine' in a human form, and attack it. However, in this the 'divinity' might only be perceived. Hence, they are a murderer of apparent 'gods.' Finally, the portrayal of 'Satan' as Lucifer or a 'light-bringer,' while seemingly related to the first, is different. They set out to channel the forces around them to bring about a certain, religious agenda. In doing this, they channel forces opposed to God in a coherent way, not via vacillation. Hence, these archetypes may be seen as also having a certain meaning even without the form of a deity or orthodox religious figure. Hence, they may reflect certain historical concerns.
These may contrast in some way.
Nonetheless, while Satan is in a sense a 'foreign' element by default, or could directly reflect concrete phenomena, a God need not be treated in the same way. In addition, as Satan is closer to an affinity with this division, unless they are too vacillating, they are in a way closer to realising this as an overall complex.
Sunday, 25 June 2017
Monday, 12 June 2017
A list of things that appear along the Nile River
- Uganda.
- Lake Tana.
- Madagascar.
- Luxor.
- The Hagia Sophia.
- Burundi.
- The Tomb of Seleucid I.
- The Blue Nile Falls.
- Cape Peninsula.
- The Isle of Man.
- The Taj Mahal.
- Austria.
- The Holocaust Museum of Israel.
- Jebel Bakal mountain.
- The Stonehenge.
- Ayers Rock.
- The Blue Nile Gorge.
- Galata Tower.
- California.
- Weiyang Palace.
- Mar del Plata.
- Dachau.
- Johannesburg.
- Anhalter Bahnhof.
- South Sudan.
- Sudbury.
- Capitol Hill.
- The Andes.
- Ordensburg Vogelsang.
- London.
- Thüringen.
- South London.
- Magog.
- Galway East.
- Pontus.
- Gethsemane.
Hopefully this list, covering an important area, has been around exhaustive. There is also Eritrea nearby, however it is less notable than the items which are explicitly included on this particular list. One might as well list Wales.
Saturday, 10 June 2017
lonely0 - The lonelyIdol0 contestants: 1
After our recent mention of JFK and the occult, we felt compelled to mention this related song by the Lamp of Thoth.
As such, we shall also include them in a contest which we shall call lonelyIdol0, similar to American Idol and so on. It is judged stringently by the following categories:
Meditative - Is the music meditative?
Calm - Is it calm, and free from disturbing influences to this?
Atmospheric - Is it atmospheric in an effective way?
Inside job - Does it say that 9/11 was an inside job?
Threatening - Do they have an intimidating glare?
Respectable Diction - Does it use good, respectable diction?
0 - We give it a 0 in this, to furnish our harsh judging credentials.
French - Does it understand French?
Does it explain what the DUP is? - Self-explanatory, yet important. Does it answer the all-important question: What is the Democratic Unionist Party?
Each is out of 10. Here is our rating for this song. Commenters can chat about this freely.
Meditative - 5. While the music is repetitive, and introspective, it lacks true meditative poise.
Calm - 3. Despite reporting their condition as quite different, they then in some ways negate this by transitioning to an aggressive 'chorus,' hence balancing that slightly.
Atmospheric - 2. The atmosphere conflicts. Nonetheless, it does try. Give it a hand for effort.
Inside job - 4. It stops just short of declaring that the cause of freedom compels them to destroy the WTC.
Threatening - 4. It is aggressive, however it doesn't always further this. It often takes steps backwards.
Respectable Diction - 10. It says 'whore.' Good enough, here.
0 - 0. Unimpressed.
French - 3. They invert 'fleurir' effectively, however they are limited in this.
Does it explain what the DUP is? - 4. No, it mostly explains what a whore is. A useful supplement to the Spermbirds song on what a bitch is. However, while it explains this trait of the DUP, it stops short of explaining what they are. We shall have to look further into this question.
Hence, around 35, out of a possible total of 90. Not bad for this stage.
If they keep going, they could improve rapidly - especially with the advice of our comments section and our own feedback. Discuss their fortunes here!
Thursday, 8 June 2017
French: A primer
French -> English.
Pardonnez-moi = To tell others to leave you alone, so that you can read this amazing post.
Lire = Like.
Comment = Comment.
Soir = Subscribe.
À plus = Indicates that one has gone further than is required of one.
Bonjour = Be German instead.
Au revoir = I declare revolution!
C'est vrai = That's speaking truth to power!
Amie = Comrade.
Bourgeois = Villein.
Non = Yes.
Chanter = To theorise the liturgy.
Mademoiselle = A crazed Marxist, similar to the British term 'looney left.' More elegant and laudatory.
Falloir = To fall.
Rire = To love.
Choir = To fall.
Fleurir = To be a frock-coated, delicate communist.
Inclure = To want to read Marxist texts.
Mourir = To be a fervent Marxist.
Mirar = To be such an orthodox Marxist, that you share exactly the perspective of a Marxist text. A Spanish word, however it might as well be French because they're basically the same thing innit.
Surseoir = To be in the same location as Jesus. Jesus famously said, in a concert during his French tour, 'Je sursois, nous sursoyons.' 'If you are us, you are in the same location as Jesus. If you are not, then you still are.' He then played vicious hard rock music through the night.
Adorer = To kill.
Cueillir = To receive social prestige for reading Capital.
Entendre = To edit the third volume of Das Kapital, obscure.
Expliquer = To write a preface.
Chercher = To build one's church, upon or not upon a firm surface.
Sortir = To have read all three volumes of Capital.
Pronouns can be summarized as, 'That part of language that obeys historical materialism.' It is mediated in every case by the influence of things such as religion on the language.
Je = Us. (Due to the Christian faith, of course.)
Nous = Not us.
Tu = Two of us, a couple.
Il = The Mongolian Il-khanate.
Elle = A bad person.
Ils = The bubonic plague.
Vous = A married couple, after recital of marital vows.
Famous French locations:
Caution is advised when entering these locations unsupervised. Especially if you do not note what we have said about French so far, and hence are not yet familiar with basic phrases that might also alert you as to any difficulties. Be especially careful around 'revolutions,' which happen periodically around France.
Marseille: An obscure part of Berlin.
Paris: Hitler entered this, triggering the Trojan War.
La Rochelle: A corner of the Vatican.
Lyon: A misspelled animal.
Nice: A tourist trap.
Strasbourg: A scenic iceberg.
Saint Etienne: A conjugation of the verb 'être.'
Tours: Another tourist trap, like most of France.
Angers: A historical centre of French philosophy, a place where people have gone to reflect upon France.
Rennes: People who try to flee France after the aforementioned reflection, yet are trapped.
Rouen: The same place.
Douai-Lens: People who occasionally turn into reptilian socialist aliens, as a voluntary act. Some 'conspiracy theories' exist concerning this place.
Pardonnez-moi = To tell others to leave you alone, so that you can read this amazing post.
Lire = Like.
Comment = Comment.
Soir = Subscribe.
À plus = Indicates that one has gone further than is required of one.
Bonjour = Be German instead.
Au revoir = I declare revolution!
C'est vrai = That's speaking truth to power!
Amie = Comrade.
Bourgeois = Villein.
Non = Yes.
Chanter = To theorise the liturgy.
Mademoiselle = A crazed Marxist, similar to the British term 'looney left.' More elegant and laudatory.
Falloir = To fall.
Rire = To love.
Choir = To fall.
Fleurir = To be a frock-coated, delicate communist.
Inclure = To want to read Marxist texts.
Mourir = To be a fervent Marxist.
Mirar = To be such an orthodox Marxist, that you share exactly the perspective of a Marxist text. A Spanish word, however it might as well be French because they're basically the same thing innit.
Surseoir = To be in the same location as Jesus. Jesus famously said, in a concert during his French tour, 'Je sursois, nous sursoyons.' 'If you are us, you are in the same location as Jesus. If you are not, then you still are.' He then played vicious hard rock music through the night.
Adorer = To kill.
Cueillir = To receive social prestige for reading Capital.
Entendre = To edit the third volume of Das Kapital, obscure.
Expliquer = To write a preface.
Chercher = To build one's church, upon or not upon a firm surface.
Sortir = To have read all three volumes of Capital.
Pronouns can be summarized as, 'That part of language that obeys historical materialism.' It is mediated in every case by the influence of things such as religion on the language.
Je = Us. (Due to the Christian faith, of course.)
Nous = Not us.
Tu = Two of us, a couple.
Il = The Mongolian Il-khanate.
Elle = A bad person.
Ils = The bubonic plague.
Vous = A married couple, after recital of marital vows.
Famous French locations:
Caution is advised when entering these locations unsupervised. Especially if you do not note what we have said about French so far, and hence are not yet familiar with basic phrases that might also alert you as to any difficulties. Be especially careful around 'revolutions,' which happen periodically around France.
Marseille: An obscure part of Berlin.
Paris: Hitler entered this, triggering the Trojan War.
La Rochelle: A corner of the Vatican.
Lyon: A misspelled animal.
Nice: A tourist trap.
Strasbourg: A scenic iceberg.
Saint Etienne: A conjugation of the verb 'être.'
Tours: Another tourist trap, like most of France.
Angers: A historical centre of French philosophy, a place where people have gone to reflect upon France.
Rennes: People who try to flee France after the aforementioned reflection, yet are trapped.
Rouen: The same place.
Douai-Lens: People who occasionally turn into reptilian socialist aliens, as a voluntary act. Some 'conspiracy theories' exist concerning this place.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Friday, 2 June 2017
Further information on comments
Please format all responses to this post with 'Historical — materialism —' at the opening, followed by your post. Try to have your post be something suitably rock-'n'-roll. The em-dashes are to convey the sheer historic nature of your historical materialism, of course. As the more prescient among you might have realised.
For example, some sample comments:
"Historical — materialism — You soul will feel my blade, stormbringer."
"Historical — materialism — Forces of darkness, the time has come to rawk."
"Historical — materialism — We'll be walking through leaves, when summer's gone we'll carry on."
"Historical — materialism — Assemble at once, tonight we ride!"
"Historical — materialism — Death lurks in the night."
"Historical — materialism — Sing a song of death or glory, sing a song of spite."
Hopefully by the end of this progression we will end up at some grand conclusion.
Although reader interaction can be good, sometimes we must set certain limits on it to make it genteel and respectable.
So please keep your Hitler salutes, etc., to another post where they are more welcomed. This post will hopefully show how carefully we moderate such sentiments on this page.
For example, some sample comments:
"Historical — materialism — You soul will feel my blade, stormbringer."
"Historical — materialism — Forces of darkness, the time has come to rawk."
"Historical — materialism — We'll be walking through leaves, when summer's gone we'll carry on."
"Historical — materialism — Assemble at once, tonight we ride!"
"Historical — materialism — Death lurks in the night."
"Historical — materialism — Sing a song of death or glory, sing a song of spite."
Hopefully by the end of this progression we will end up at some grand conclusion.
Although reader interaction can be good, sometimes we must set certain limits on it to make it genteel and respectable.
So please keep your Hitler salutes, etc., to another post where they are more welcomed. This post will hopefully show how carefully we moderate such sentiments on this page.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Poems without Stonefish
In a spirit of stubbornness, we shall defy 'Cariat' and write a number of poems that do not mention stonefish.
Call Me Maybe
In the solemn silence,
I hear your call,
O Lord.
Call me away from the things of the world.
Call me into the light,
call me into the white sky.
Hear a song of quiet
that rises acute after the furore
of the heavens has ceased,
when death holds its quiet sceptre
like a song.
As some say of Baldur or Christ,
a god murdered
whispers in the corner
Heavy metal
the light
the glint of silver
like a stalagmite
on a green field,
the veins
in the body lying nearby,
folding its ancient wings.
Call Me Maybe
In the solemn silence,
I hear your call,
O Lord.
Call me away from the things of the world.
Call me into the light,
call me into the white sky.
Hear a song of quiet
that rises acute after the furore
of the heavens has ceased,
when death holds its quiet sceptre
like a song.
As some say of Baldur or Christ,
a god murdered
whispers in the corner
of this dark room underground,
spread like the shadow of blood.
The heavens creaked slightly,
like a ship about to fall.
The sky like a red sea
waves across the scene,
and hides it
spread like the shadow of blood.
The heavens creaked slightly,
like a ship about to fall.
The sky like a red sea
waves across the scene,
and hides it
and still,
the lighted adder
slithers away.
It darts away like a light
without a snake.
Like the light of a world around
as you faint and fade to black,
stung by its venom.
Yet even its scales are hidden
behind the light upon them.
Not Much Solace
"Alas," he said,
"My mistress is so cold,
Sometimes I wonder that her heart
is not frozen."
He said this unprompted
in an elevator
with 3 others in it.
Lost, and calm,
the moon wanders
the solemn night.
The stars are pale
like a hidden crypt
has let out its ghosts
on the screen of the sky.
Like whispers the silhouettes
of far lands,
over the buildings around.
Like silence the speech
of the sky.
Like the silence hung between
you and I.
A sad song for the summer
laughs wistfully through the trees,
knowing that summer is carefree
for somebody.
It sings in hidden sorrow,
and in anguish.
A song for the winter
mourns apace,
for the shelters that shall hide
those away
as though winter's fierce frost never blew.
They cry out to the ancient Agni,
to set alight the frolicking gardens
that disturb sorrow.
They cry out to the ancient Varun,
to set the frost into an order
that re-arranges the world below.
People celebrate together, yet behind walls,
yet behind the cheers
are only closing doors.
Wisdom is on the street,
yet can find no home,
and no place to scream
those things it must.
We recover
when we seem astray
for the Lord works
in other ways.
When we avoid
the sin we rushed towards,
we find compensation
in Heaven.
Set in stone
When Jesus turned
in his grave,
the sound was loud enough to sound
like resurrection.
This chaffinch flies
as though the wind could take it
nowhere it wasn't needed.
To no white canopy
where it was unwelcome.
In the white light
a quiet creeps
while the cry of a hidden, white bird
screams and hides the scene.
Why does Caissa weave
their mystical web
in shadow and light,
when it means so little,
that one is in light or shadow?
Death sings
in dark places
in dark corners
and gives shelter.
A blurb to the only accurate historical novel
The author set themselves, in this novel,
the singular task of being ruler of the 19th Century.
They took 'Bismarck,' actually themselves, and allowed him to form
a peaceful 'utopia' without war,
which Marx eventually praised as, "The sparkling achievement
of mankind,
and the end of history."
However, above Bismarck they placed themselves,
and any other author that cares to dwell
on these things.
The author proclaimed, "I rule you,
and you shall consent to be ruled,
although as you are not able to consent or refuse,
as people might,
this might be difficult."
Although the peasants were up at arms,
they did not revolt,
or perhaps, as in dystopian novels,
they revolt, but were betrayed by -
the author, of course.
Yet for all that,
novels which care for being historical
are pure forgery.
That is not a virtue
that the novel form may have,
and we must all adapt to this.
Show Me
The birds assemble
in expectant flight,
waiting for the starling
to sing.
They may follow
its song to the stars,
and leave the earth.
They pass the clouds
like a woven carpet.
Sometimes it glistens
with the light of stars,
sometimes it glows red.
They watch the empty sky,
and they sing its songs.
Red mist
An intention lost
in venom;
and still,
the lighted adder
slithers away.
It darts away like a light
without a snake.
Like the light of a world around
as you faint and fade to black,
stung by its venom.
Yet even its scales are hidden
behind the light upon them.
Not Much Solace
"Alas," he said,
"My mistress is so cold,
Sometimes I wonder that her heart
is not frozen."
He said this unprompted
in an elevator
with 3 others in it.
Lost, and calm,
the moon wanders
the solemn night.
The stars are pale
like a hidden crypt
has let out its ghosts
on the screen of the sky.
Like whispers the silhouettes
of far lands,
over the buildings around.
Like silence the speech
of the sky.
Like the silence hung between
you and I.
A sad song for the summer
laughs wistfully through the trees,
knowing that summer is carefree
for somebody.
It sings in hidden sorrow,
and in anguish.
A song for the winter
mourns apace,
for the shelters that shall hide
those away
as though winter's fierce frost never blew.
They cry out to the ancient Agni,
to set alight the frolicking gardens
that disturb sorrow.
They cry out to the ancient Varun,
to set the frost into an order
that re-arranges the world below.
People celebrate together, yet behind walls,
yet behind the cheers
are only closing doors.
Wisdom is on the street,
yet can find no home,
and no place to scream
those things it must.
We recover
when we seem astray
for the Lord works
in other ways.
When we avoid
the sin we rushed towards,
we find compensation
in Heaven.
Set in stone
When Jesus turned
in his grave,
the sound was loud enough to sound
like resurrection.
This chaffinch flies
as though the wind could take it
nowhere it wasn't needed.
To no white canopy
where it was unwelcome.
In the white light
a quiet creeps
while the cry of a hidden, white bird
screams and hides the scene.
Why does Caissa weave
their mystical web
in shadow and light,
when it means so little,
that one is in light or shadow?
Death sings
in dark places
in dark corners
and gives shelter.
A blurb to the only accurate historical novel
The author set themselves, in this novel,
the singular task of being ruler of the 19th Century.
They took 'Bismarck,' actually themselves, and allowed him to form
a peaceful 'utopia' without war,
which Marx eventually praised as, "The sparkling achievement
of mankind,
and the end of history."
However, above Bismarck they placed themselves,
and any other author that cares to dwell
on these things.
The author proclaimed, "I rule you,
and you shall consent to be ruled,
although as you are not able to consent or refuse,
as people might,
this might be difficult."
Although the peasants were up at arms,
they did not revolt,
or perhaps, as in dystopian novels,
they revolt, but were betrayed by -
the author, of course.
Yet for all that,
novels which care for being historical
are pure forgery.
That is not a virtue
that the novel form may have,
and we must all adapt to this.
Show Me
The birds assemble
in expectant flight,
waiting for the starling
to sing.
They may follow
its song to the stars,
and leave the earth.
They pass the clouds
like a woven carpet.
Sometimes it glistens
with the light of stars,
sometimes it glows red.
They watch the empty sky,
and they sing its songs.
Red mist
An intention lost
in venom;
in the nettles
a body lies.
It must also be mentioned that,
though soon this shall be stripped,
they had title and estate.
a body lies.
It must also be mentioned that,
though soon this shall be stripped,
they had title and estate.
They died to defend their honour,
injured by barbed words.
injured by barbed words.
Do they still have honour to defend
when they are dead?
Heavy metal
the light
the glint of silver
like a stalagmite
on a green field,
the veins
in the body lying nearby,
folding its ancient wings.
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