Thursday, 9 March 2017

Genocide in action (is much better) [satire]

Despite its many flaws, fascist movements have often had the leftist virtue of action. They have murdered, declared wars and organised death camps. As leftists, we must no doubt applaud all of this. Otherwise we would not be true socialists. We would be something else - fascists, for instance. Although we object to fascism, their going ahead and killing people - which is what they believe in - is a good thing and much better than any alternative. If we are to have any criticism of 'National Socialists,' it is that they do not call themselves instead, 'Cosmic socialists,' for the indeed colossal size of their socialism.

Hipster Nazism, in point of its beliefs, is essentially correct - it doesn't believe in much, and is into Nazism for its admittedly sophisticated aesthetic. However, they ought to go further and kill people on this vague basis. As long as people kill others, what does it matter what they believe or why they do this? Blind faith is such a positive spur, that all communists should be Catholics and vice versa. Instead of asking whether we like a pet, we should commit bestiality. And possibly hope for the best. Instead of considering drugs, poisons and so on, we should do them - and then be too incapacitated to determine things anyway. Forgive us if this sounds like an advertisement for the WWE or a dicey product.

Hence, although humans often act consciously, we must follow the character in Dracula and profess a communism of sleep-walking. Then they could admittedly murder people, but in their sleeping actions they are truly communist. Although capitalism is a society centred around the 'hope' of indefinite monetary accumulation and ever-increasing acquisition, it requires as its concomitant a 'socialism' and Church that wishes piously for all of these hopes to occur. Yet some of them cannot - they are caught up in contradictions, and once enacted undermine themselves. However, communism resides where actions fail, not where they succeed. We must hence abandon communism for cheerleading - and indeed many 'socialists' would wish to be major capitalists or capitalist spokesmen 'in practice.' But they are hemmed in from this latter aim by something else, whatever you may wish to call it. Hence, it is against this other element that they have declared a Crusade. Then it need be no surprise that the Labour Party supported the Iraq War - it was enacted with a fervent lack of consideration. Some would say that it was a 'sophism' in favour of a given class or nation, which is their right; others that it was disorganised. Yet it seems then that New Labour are the true 'socialists.'


  1. LOLed hard at this one.

  2. First para was really hilarious... I liked this.
